Qublock Technology has proven expertise for providing custom-made valve solutions as well as standard products with innovative and advanced technology for perfect flow control, ease of operation, simple in-line maintenance, and long service life.
Product Summary
- Metal Seated Ball Valves
- Titanium, Hastelloy, Zirconium, Monel, Inconel
- ½” to 40”
- ANSI Class 150# to 2500#
- Floating, Trunnion, Full Port
- V-Port Control Valves to 24”
- Specialists in Polysilicon Applications
- Technical Features:
- Q-LAP® System for Superfine Roundness (to 1 micron)
- Super Pocketless Design for High Viscosity or Dry Powder Service
- Scrapper Seat removes adhesive media with each valve cycle
- Block & Bleed Designs